Wednesday 8 January 2014

Third Mainland Bridge Accident.......Please Read This

I got this in my inbox yesterday but it actually went into spam folder and i am just seeing it this morning..I am sorry to start your day like this but like the blog visitor says ''speed kills''
Please drive is better to get there late..RIP in peace to the victim(s).

Now read on

''Dear Abby,

I wouldn't want to bring u bad news early this year, am really sorry, I have to give
a piece of advice on this one.
On sighting this accident from afar, I said a silent prayer, "God No one should go
with this"...but lo and behold, there was a dead guy in Jeep, all strapped with his
seat belt, head thrown back dead!...the unfortunate thing is, there was a Lagos
state Ambulance right there, which actually arrived almost immediately the accident occurred.
sincerely, if u run a 40 - 60 on third mainland bridge is not bad, you will surely get
where you are going, but once you are in haste, you might never make it there. 

Let us be wise, speed actually kills''


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