Saturday, 10 August 2013

Don Jazzy Reveals I was once an Akara seller see Tweet

While answering questions from his fans on tweeter don jazzy revealed that he and jay mavin used to sell akara agidi fry yam and plantain to make ends meet see tweets

 he also condemned 419. Am really touched seriously from frying akara to a top Billionaire. This should be a motivator what ever you find doing do it well and don't be ashamed of it  more tweets below....
 I know even with low battery right? hehehehe gist must flow


  1. Goodluk had no shoes and wats he dwan abt shoeless pupils 2day?Now Donjazzy sold akara I.e hawked on d streets watts he doin abt hawkers on d streets!No b to thank Baba God working

  2. Biols pls tell @ projrctp its commodities not commosidities

  3. This man should rest I once was a wheelbarrow pusher before in onitsha market I did not announce to the world

  4. And who are u please?

  5. Lmfao....u guys rock! Wheelbarrow pusher what is ur end story den? Or u bought a good fone and cn now talk crap on blogs? Don jazzy u to mush joor! #selfmade#


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