Thursday, 8 August 2013

2Short Use to Beat Me so Hard While we were Dating- Beverly Osu

Bev Bev lol.....Beverly Osu has said a lot in BBA and she is still talking. She once said her mother was deported from the States because of 'runz'. She dropped out of school and how she aborted a pregnancy which was already four months old how private universities in Nigeria cost upto 3million Naira and so many things. She didn't stop at that, as she just told the world how 2shortz used to beat her when they were dating. According to her, 2shortz used to beat her a lot. One particular day, she ran into the bathroom and locked the door when the beating was too much, but the singer broke down the door and continued to pounce on her again. She even showed housemates a scar from the incident. Luckily for her she is in South Africa so 2short cant really get hold of her am sure he is just waiting patiently for her arrival


  1. Beverly of whatever she calls her self...she should stop the verbal Diarrhoea pls...and wch priv8 uni in 9ja is up to 3million? I still like am small sha. Lol

  2. its true I am the one always coming to her aid the guy was too jealous and brutal

  3. Foolish girl.atention seeker.okpo,ahi,ashawo kobo kobo


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